The Mystic Mausoleum
Background: You are a treasure hunter on a quest for riches aplenty. You have gotten word of an old mausoleum for a once renowned general hidden deep within a cave network. From what you have heard the inside of the mausoleum has been left untouched for centuries.
Setting: As you climb up stairs carved into the walls there is a rumble and rocks fall behind you blocking your main way of escape, unless you feel like taking your chances by plunging into the void. When you get to the top of the stairs the area plateaus into a wide courtyard. The area is mostly dark, lit by bioluminescent moss. Various things are covered in moss or overgrown by small cave plants. To your right is a statue of the general, and to the left is a drained pool with some sort of monument in the middle. Past that is the mausoleum, flanked by columns. One of them has been knocked over.
Time: Mid-day
Conditions: Dimly lit, some light filters in from far away, mildly damp.
Quintessa - Young woman and treasure hunter extraordinaire.
Pippin - Young man, intel gatherer and often ignored voice of reason.
Camera slow pans over the area while Pippin gives Quin guidance over the radio.
Okay according to my info you should nearly be at the mausoleum courtyard. Apparently it used to be a place of reverence for a famous general a few thousand years ago but it hasn’t been touched by modern hands since. I doubt there would be any traps, but if there are they haven’t been sprung yet so be careful.
The camera shifts to first person perspective, Quin is going up the stairs as she responds on her radio.
Oh please, I’ll be in and out before you know it with riches aplenty. We’ll be eating like royals tonight!
As Quin is going up the final flight of stairs when suddenly, just as she is about to reach the top, large rocks rain down and block the way back.
What was that noise?
What was that noise?
Nothing that important, just some boulders fell on the stairs behind me.
So much for eating like royals tonight...
Quin laughs and hangs up on Pippin for the time being. The courtyard is free to explore. There is a statue directly after the stairs of the general overlooking the courtyard, flanked by large decorative shells. A few more shells lie haphazardly against the cave wall. Upon looking at the statue Quin comments:
Huh, that sword doesn’t seem to match.
When looking at the shell pile you may be able to catch a glimpse of the shield underneath the shells, but it’s not immediately obvious. Instead Quin will just talk about the shells.
All these giant clam shells split in two, I guess it was some sort of ritual.
Going further into the courtyard there is a drained shallow pool with a monument in the middle. A large orb sits in a stone base, there is a strange indent in the center of the base across from where the statue lies. Quin will examine it.
It looks like there used to be something here, did someone get to the treasure first?
Past the pool is the front of the mausoleum. There is an overturned pillar to one side and steps leading up to the door. The door as a design on the front with three gemstones on it. There doesn’t appear to be any way to open the door directly. Quin will complain and then call Pippin.
There’s no switches, pulleys, or anything! I can’t even take the gems off. Hey, Pippin?
Oh, you are still alive.
Fit as a fiddle even. Do you have any idea how I’m actually supposed to get in here? The door won’t budge.
The door is open in the old painting I have, they way to open it must be elsewhere, look around!
Real helpful, thanks.
After examining the orb the player will then be able to acquire the sword and the shield. If they managed to do so before going directly to the door then the corresponding gem for whatever item they picked up will be lit. The colors of the gems are hints to the items. The one being the color of the sword, and the other being the color of the shells. Upon getting the sword Quin will state.
I guess that this didn’t belong here after all. I thought these ruins were untouched....
And retrieving the shield Quin will say:
I thought I saw something shiny underneath the shells!
Once you have both items in order to light up the third gem you have to place them at the base of the orb.
There, a perfect fit!
The orb begins to glow and rise, and the 3rd and final gem will light up and the door will also rise.
I got the door to open, I hope you are ready for riches aplenty!
Yes, now just don’t die.
The level ends upon entering the mausoleum.
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